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Showing posts from December, 2020

Flavor: Types of Flavors.

Flavor: Types of Flavors. Flavor :  Flavor is defined as it is a combination of both taste and smell.                                                    or  Flavor is a sensory impression of a food or substances, & determined by the chemical senses of taste and smell. Flavorant : Flvorant is defined as a substance that gives another substance flavor, altering the characteristics of the solute, causing it to become sweet, sour, tangy etc.                                                  or Flavoranta are focus on altering the flavors or enhancing the flavors of natural foods products such as meats and vegetables, or creating flavor for food products that do not have the desired flavors, most of the flavorants are focused on scent and taste.                                                 or  Flavorants also defined as a anything that contributes flavor to foods. Flavors helps to improve the flavor of food. Play an important role in customer satisfaction. Flavor influence the further

Food colors, Types, Purpose & E Numbers.

  F o o d c o l o r s ,  Types, Purpose & E Numbers. Food Coloring : Food Coloring is a substance that impart color when it is added into the food or drink.                                                                     or Food Coloring is a dye, pigment when added or applied to a food, is capable of imparting color. Now a days customers seeking food or food products that contain safe ingredients. Food Coloring is available in the form of Liquid, powder, gels and paste etc. Food coloring can be used at commercially and domestically food processing. Color is also play an important ingredient in food safety . Purpose Of Food Color: Color also important parameter on which can judge the quality of food. Color restore color loss during processing. Color ensure uniformity from batch to batch. Color is play an important role in customer acceptability. Color improve taste, texture & appearance. Improve nutritional value, Color can provide color to colorless & fun foods. Colo

E numbers (European numbers).

E Numbers (European Numbers). E number are stands for Europe, E number are codes given to food additives  that have been assessed for use within the Europe union, E numbers used as a food additives within the Europe union (EU) & European Free Trade Association  (EFTA). E numbers can be found on food labels. E numbers accurately describes additives used in the food preparations. These numbers are also used in the Australia & New Zealand without E. E numbers are used as a antioxidants,  color, sweeteners, preservatives, thickeners, stabilizers etc. Classification By Numeric Range: E  100  -  E 199    Colors E  200  -  E 299    Preservatives E  300  -  E 399    Antioxidants & Acidity regulators E  400  -  E 499    Thickeners, Stabilizers & Emulsifiers E  500  -  E 599    Acidity regulators & Anti cackling agents E  600  -  E 699    Flavor enhancers E  700  -  E 799    Antibiotics E  900  -  E 999    Glazing agents, Gases & Sweeteners. E1100  -  E 1599 Additional ad

FSSAI Overhauls labelling, display norms; makes displaying of expiry date mandatory 2020.

 FSSAI Overhauls labelling, display norms; makes displaying of  expiry date mandatory 2020. Food companies who supplying packaged food need to display use by or expiry date instead of 'Best Before.' From the January 1st 2022 the nutritional information or nutritional fact ( nutritional value) on the principal displayed panel in biggest font size and also ensure the name of food with classification symbol of vegetarian & non vegetarian on the front side of the food packet. Expiry date or Use-by date : Recommended 'last consumption or expiry date' Means the date which signifies the end of the estimated period under any stated condition, after which the food shall not be sold. Best before: Best before means the date which signifies the end of the period under any stated storage condition during which the food shall remains fully marketable & shall retain any specific qualities for which tacit or express claims have been made by beyond that date, the food may still

FSSAI'S Revised Standard For Bottled Water/ Packaged Drinking Water 2021.

FSSAI'S Revised Standard For Bottled Water/ Packaged Drinking Water 2021. As minerals are consider vital for the health. Minerals are those elements in foods which need by body to develop and function normally. The essential minerals for healthy life include calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium etc. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) asked the FSSAI to explore the possibility of making a provision for the addition of certain minerals in packaged drinking water, because minerals removed from water during filtration process. According to the food Safety and Standard (Food Products Standard and Food Additives) fourth amendment regulation 2019, the mandatory regulation of calcium and magnesium in packaged drinking water has been set at 20-75 mg per liter and in the average of 10-30mg/liter respectively.  In this year 1 July 2020, FSSAI decided to implement new packaged drinking water but because of these COVID-19 decided to extend 1 January 2021. A new regulation or guidelines from FSSAI

Lab Grown Meat Or Cultured Meat 2020.

Lab Grown Meat Or Cultured Meat 2020. Lab Grown Meat or Culture Meat is a meat grown or produced in a lab by using in vitro cell culture of animal cells. As we know that human have been eating meat since incident times by killing animals but now technology is searching meat without slaughtering the animals and culture meat turning that vision into reality, its totally possible to grow meat in a lab or outside the animal's body & is called culture meat". 130 Million chickens are slaughtered by human per day for (food) consumption and 4 millions of pigs. 3 billion animals killed every day for food. Billions of animals see life as they know it end in a slaughterhouse. When we imagine cultured meat we having lots of scary imagination about cultured meat but in actual isn't. Cultured meat is produced by same tissue engineering which is used in the degrative medicines. The concept of lab grown meat or cultured meat is popular in early 2000s by Jason Matheny. Mark Post showca

Cacao Beans Fermentation & Drying Process 2020.

Cacao Beans Fermentation & Drying Process 2020. How to select cacao pods : Most suitable pods are three quarte ripe and yellowish green in color. Ripe pods are dried and brown in color. Cacao Pods is ripe when no green after scratching on it. Shake this pods. Fermentation : Fermentation is one of the most essential part of flavor development and making chocolate delicious.   Open the pods by hammering on it or by cutting . Scoop out beans. Sprouted beans should be removed. Remove all the extraneous materials like leave, stone etc. Fermentation Types Heap Fermentation Basket Fermentation Box Fermentation 1.Heap Fermentation  In Heap Fermentation banana leaves are spread out over sticks a few inches above ground & cacao beans are spread out on the banana leaves. 2.Basket Fermentation Basket Fermentation ideal for the small scale or small batches and uses woven baskets with holes at the bottom. Inner basket  covered with banana leaves. 3.Box Fermentation  Box Fermentation varies a

World Soil Day 2020

 World Soil Day 2020  World Soil Day is held annually on 05 December. According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) World Soil Day 2020 theme is " Keep Soil Alive, Protect Soil Biodiversity". In 2002 International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) recommended as an international day. The main Agenda of World Soil Day is raise awareness or encourage people to improve soil health world wide. This World soil day campaign aims to fight the ' Soil Biodiversity Loss' & raise awareness of  'Sustainable Healthy Ecosystem'. Soil Degradation is a very serious environmental problem which happens due to the decline soil condition. Soil is a critical part of our global life support system. The main reason for Soil Degradation is lack of management, improper management or poor management. Soil is at the bottom of food chain. To reduce all these problem we need to work with nature, not against it. In 2019 world soil day is celebrated by more than 100 countries. The