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World Soil Day 2020

 World Soil Day 2020  World Soil Day is held annually on 05 December. According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) World Soil Day 2020 theme is " Keep Soil Alive, Protect Soil Biodiversity". In 2002 International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) recommended as an international day. The main Agenda of World Soil Day is raise awareness or encourage people to improve soil health world wide. This World soil day campaign aims to fight the ' Soil Biodiversity Loss' & raise awareness of  'Sustainable Healthy Ecosystem'. Soil Degradation is a very serious environmental problem which happens due to the decline soil condition. Soil is a critical part of our global life support system. The main reason for Soil Degradation is lack of management, improper management or poor management. Soil is at the bottom of food chain. To reduce all these problem we need to work with nature, not against it. In 2019 world soil day is celebrated by more than 100 countries. The