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Showing posts with the label food technology

What is the difference between chilling and freezing?

 What is the difference between chilling and freezing? Chilling: Chilling is a processing technique in which the temperature of a food is reduced and kept in temperature between -1 to 8 ℃. Freezing: A slow temperature drop occurs as ice crystals form within the food, freezing delays spoilage and keeps foods safe by preventing microorganisms from enzyme activity (-18℃). Chilling: Chilling simply means reducing the temperature at above freezing & below 15℃. Freezing: Freezing simply means cooling below it's freezing point. Chilling: It is used to reduce the rate of biochemical & microbiological changes hence to extend shelf life ( reduce growth but alive ). Freezing: Freezing causes death of 10% to 60% of the microbe population. Chilling: It causes minimal changes to sensory characteristics & nutritional properties of food. Freezing: It loss texture during freezing ice-crystals forms which cause adjacent cell walls to rupture, negligible chances to pigments flavor, &

Fermentation VS Rotting. What's the difference ?

Fermentation VS Rotting. What's the difference ? Fermentation : Food fermentation is defined as it is a conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into alcohol or organic acid & carbon dioxide.  OR Fermentation refers to the metabolic process by which normal glucose or organic molecules converted into the alcohol, acid or gases in absence of oxygen. OR Fermentation is a controlled biological reaction by yeast which digests sugar & starch and outputs alcohol, carbon dioxide and vinegar. Rotting: Rotting is defined as it is uncontrolled process of decay caused by bacteria or fungal action.   Fermentation : Increase the shelf life of food. Fermentation is a biological reaction caused by yeast. Fermentation is a controlled process with beneficial organisms. Fermentation foods are a type of preservation of food that prevents spoilage from happening. Rotting : Rotting in fact kills the food. Rot is decay caused by bacterial action and not yeast. Rotting is all spoilage bacteria

KitKat V Coming Soon...( KitKat Vegan) 2021.

 KitKat V Coming Soon...( KitKat Vegan) 2021. Nestlé in 2021 brings a good news for the all plant based fans around the world by introducing the new version of KitKat vegan. Vegan meaning: Vegan diet is defines as it is a type of vegetarian diet base on wide variety of whole plant foods but vegan diet exclude animal and their by products known as a "vegan". Ex: Fruits, Vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, oilseeds. Vegan excludes :Sugar, Alcohol, Honey, Fig, Milk etc.  Nestlé chocolate experts from confectionary research & development center in York, UK worked hard to make a vegan version that would live up tp the high expectations of KitKat lovers everywhere in the world. Nestlé open up the new way for vegan lovers by bringing vegan KitKat chocolate.  The new vegan KitKat called "KitKat V" with the delicious plant-based option nestle delivers the perfect balance between crispy wafers and smooth chocolate that definitely attracts fans. "KitKat V product

RTE ( Ready-To-Eat ).

RTE ( Ready-To-Eat ).  RTE :   Ready-To-Eat foods are those food products which is in the edible form without additional preparation by the food service or it's in the consumed form known as a ready-to-eat food.  RTE should be in edible form without any additional preparation steps. It is a group of food products that are pre-cooked, mostly packed & ready for consumption without prior cooking. RTE (Ready-To-Eat) foods rely on acidic conditions to inhibit the growth of pathogens. Ex: Hot dog, Luncheon meats, Dry sausage, Fermented sausage, Desserts, Salad etc. L. manocytogenes, Salmonella, E. coli, C. botulinum etc. Bacteria can survive & grow under the acidic conditions. The low acidic food range is pH>4.5 (UK) pH>4.6 (USA). Low acid food can allow growth of C. botulinum. In canned food "Botulinum Cook" process is given for low acid foods that means heat treatment given at 121 ℃ for 3 minutes to control C. botulinum.  Ex: Idli, Dosa, Pav bhaji, Meat produc

Difference Between Cassia & Cinnamon.

 Difference Between Cassia & Cinnamon. Cassia: Aromatic bark of an east Asian tree. From southern china. Thick. Contains higher amount of cinnamaldehyde. Dark reddish brown. Hard bark difficult to break. Mostly used in USA & Canada. Hard bark difficult to break. Cassia powder is reddish brown & coarse. It can be toxic for regular use. Has a strong hotter flavor. Thick single layers stick. Much cheaper. Coumarin content 5-6%. Fake cinnamon. Spicy taste & pungent aroma. Hard texture. Cinnamon: Aromatic spice made from the peeled, dried & rolled bark of a southern Asian tree. From srilanka & southern india. Contains a low amount of cinnamaldehyde. Thin. Contains a low amount of cinnamaldehyde. Tan brown. Made of thin fragile layers like cigar. Mostly used in Europe & Mexico. Cinnamon powder is tan & smooth. Has fewer coumarin 7 is better for regular use. Has a mild flavor. Fragile/slender sticks. Expensive. Coumarin content 0.04%. True cinnamon. Sweet, deli

Flavor: Types of Flavors.

Flavor: Types of Flavors. Flavor :  Flavor is defined as it is a combination of both taste and smell.                                                    or  Flavor is a sensory impression of a food or substances, & determined by the chemical senses of taste and smell. Flavorant : Flvorant is defined as a substance that gives another substance flavor, altering the characteristics of the solute, causing it to become sweet, sour, tangy etc.                                                  or Flavoranta are focus on altering the flavors or enhancing the flavors of natural foods products such as meats and vegetables, or creating flavor for food products that do not have the desired flavors, most of the flavorants are focused on scent and taste.                                                 or  Flavorants also defined as a anything that contributes flavor to foods. Flavors helps to improve the flavor of food. Play an important role in customer satisfaction. Flavor influence the further

Lab Grown Meat Or Cultured Meat 2020.

Lab Grown Meat Or Cultured Meat 2020. Lab Grown Meat or Culture Meat is a meat grown or produced in a lab by using in vitro cell culture of animal cells. As we know that human have been eating meat since incident times by killing animals but now technology is searching meat without slaughtering the animals and culture meat turning that vision into reality, its totally possible to grow meat in a lab or outside the animal's body & is called culture meat". 130 Million chickens are slaughtered by human per day for (food) consumption and 4 millions of pigs. 3 billion animals killed every day for food. Billions of animals see life as they know it end in a slaughterhouse. When we imagine cultured meat we having lots of scary imagination about cultured meat but in actual isn't. Cultured meat is produced by same tissue engineering which is used in the degrative medicines. The concept of lab grown meat or cultured meat is popular in early 2000s by Jason Matheny. Mark Post showca

Cacao Beans Fermentation & Drying Process 2020.

Cacao Beans Fermentation & Drying Process 2020. How to select cacao pods : Most suitable pods are three quarte ripe and yellowish green in color. Ripe pods are dried and brown in color. Cacao Pods is ripe when no green after scratching on it. Shake this pods. Fermentation : Fermentation is one of the most essential part of flavor development and making chocolate delicious.   Open the pods by hammering on it or by cutting . Scoop out beans. Sprouted beans should be removed. Remove all the extraneous materials like leave, stone etc. Fermentation Types Heap Fermentation Basket Fermentation Box Fermentation 1.Heap Fermentation  In Heap Fermentation banana leaves are spread out over sticks a few inches above ground & cacao beans are spread out on the banana leaves. 2.Basket Fermentation Basket Fermentation ideal for the small scale or small batches and uses woven baskets with holes at the bottom. Inner basket  covered with banana leaves. 3.Box Fermentation  Box Fermentation varies a

What is Humectants? Definition, Common Examples & Functions 2020.

What is Humectants in Foods? Definition, common Examples & Functions 2020. Humectant Meaning: Humectants are moisture retention agents. Their functions in foods include control of viscosity and texture, bulking, retention of moisture, reduction of water activity, control of crystallization, and improvement or retention of softness. They also help improve the rehydration of dehydrated food and solubilization of flavor compounds.                                OR A humectant is a hygroscopic substance used to keep things moist, it is the opposite of a desiccant because it is wet. It is often a molecule with several hydrophilic group, most often hydroxyl groups; however, amines and carboxyl groups, sometimes esterified can be encountered as well. Humectant can also be defined as a food additives, used to reduce the loss of moisture and increase it's retentivity. Polyhydroxy alcohols are water soluble, hygroscopic materials which exhibit moderate viscosities at high concentrations

Minerals: Types, Deficiency & Best Sources 2020.

 Minerals: Types, Deficiency & Best Sources 2020. Minerals : What is a mineral easy definition?  Minerals are defined as the essential elements in foods that our bodies need to develop and function normally .  Minerals need in a small amount, about  25 to maintain normal body function and good health . 16 nutrients are essential nutrients and supplied through diet. Nutrients and minerals needed in the body in a small amounts to help its function properly and stay strong . Minerals found in foods like nuts, cereals, meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and milk etc.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid : Types, Sources, Daily Requirements, Limitations & Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids 2020.

 Omega-3 Fatty Acid : Types, Sources, Daily Requirements, Limitations & Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids 2020. Omega 3 fatty acid : Omega 3 fatty acids are healthy fats. Its having very much importance in your diet, it is essential fats & play a important role & provides numerous health benefits. Omega 3 fatty acids found in various foods. Fish, oysters, flaxseeds & may more are the example of  sources . Omega 3 fatty acids are of 3 main types ALA ( Alpha-linolenic acid) EPA (Eicosapentanoic  acid) DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). Omega 3 fatty acids are important for normal metabolism. Omega 3 fatty acids are family of polyunsaturated fats .

13 Vitamins : Types, Deficiency & Best sources 2020.

 13 Vitamins : Types, Deficiency & Best sources 2020. Vitamins : Vitamins are organic amino acids & fatty acids, that must be supplied to an animal in small amount to maintain health. Vitamins are required in the diet of human & animal for normal body growth. Vitamins can be obtained from the different types of foods.

Cheese, Nutritional Value of Cheese, Manufacturing Process of Cheddar Cheese Making 2020.

  Cheese, Nutritional Value of Cheese, Manufacturing Process of Cheddar Cheese Making 2020. Cheese : Cheese Meaning: "Cheese is a dairy product produce by coagulation of milk protein casein. which is usually derived from cow milk, goat milk, buffalo milk & sheep milk and produce in a wide ranges of flavors, texture & form".                                                                       OR "Cheese also defined as a product made from the curd obtained from milk by coagulation the milk protein casein with the help of rennet or other similar enzymes in the presence of  lactic acid produced by added micro-organisms". Cheese is a one of the oldest foods of a mankind. Cheese was made accidentally in the stomach of animal carrying milk. When milk clotting enzymes of the stomach converted the milk into a solid mass.

91 Spices and Herbs Names with There Common Name & Health Benefits 2020.

91 Spices and Herbs Names with There Common Name & Health Benefits 2020.  Spice :-  "A spice is a seed, fruit, root, bark or other plants substances primarily used for flavoring or coloring food". Herbs :- "Herbs are the leaves, flowers or stem of plant used for flavoring or as a garnish". Benefits of Spices:- Sage can improve brain function and memory. Garlic can combat sickness and improve heart health. rosemary can help prevent allergies and nasal congestion. Fenugreek improves blood sugar control. Ginger treat nausea and has anti-inflammatory properties. Basil help to fight infections and boosts immunity. Cardamom aids in weight loss. Black pepper treats asthma. Turmeric controls blood pressure. Ginger relief from menstrual cramps.

What is Food Preservation, Principle, Need of Food Preservation, Objectives, (Traditional Methods of Food Preservation)2020.

 What is Food Preservation, Principle, Need of Food Preservation, Objectives, (Traditional Methods of Food Preservation)2020. Food Preservation Meaning "Preservation is defined as a it is a process of preventing food from spoilage by creating condition under which microorganisms cannot multiply and grow .meaning of the word "preserve" is to keep safe ,retain quality and preserve decomposition" .                                                                     OR  "A process by which certain foods like fruits and vegetables are prevented from getting spoil for a long period of time the color ,taste and nutritive value of the food is also preserved".

What is Animal Slaughtering: Types of Slaughtering(Modern Method of Slaughtering & Religious Method)2020.

What is Animal Slaughtering, Types of slaughtering (Modern Method of Slaughtering & Religious Method)2020. slaughtering is defined as a act of  killing or butchering of animal especially for the reason for consumption(food).The killing of large number of animals when animals are old enough they are sent to slaughter and there meat is processed and shipped to stores. Types of Slaughtering:- A)Modern Method:- Stunning method a) Captive-bolt pistols b) Chemical/Gaseous method c) Electrical method d) Direct blow to skull using a club e) Free bullet fired from a pistol into the skull 2)Religious Method a) African traditional method b) Jewish method c) Halal method d) Jhatkha method A)Modern Method Stunning:- Stunning is the process of rendering animals immobile or unconscious with or without killing the animal, when or immediately prior to slaughtering them for food. a)Captive -Bolt Pistols:- A captive bolt pistol or gun(also variously known as a cattle gun,stun bolt gun,bol