What is biscuits & Biscuit Defects/ Biscuit Problem (at industrial level)2020.
Biscuits is a baked, edible and commonly flour based product. it is small , thin , flat baked to a low moisture content less than 5%.Biscuits Defects/ Problems are as follows:
- Blisters
- Reverse shell
- Cream Oozing
- Spreading
- Hard Bite
- Breakage
- Shrinkage
Dark patches, blister or bubbles formation on the top of biscuits due to over baking in the oven.
Reverse Shell :
Reverse shell - in cream sandwich biscuits when one of the biscuit sandwiched in the reverse manner.
Cream Oozing :
Cream oozing means -cream comes out of the sandwiched biscuits.
Spreading of Biscuits:
the distortion in the shape of biscuits, that is increase in breadth than the standard.
Hard Bite:
Fat for biscuits are virtually important ingredient in achieving the texture, mouthfeel, and the bite of biscuits. Hard bite have relatively low percentage of fats in the recipe .
Breakage :
Breakage of the biscuits to physical abrasion or pressure. Cracking occurs when small hairline cracks develop in biscuit. These may consequently result in breakage when the product is exposed to minimal force.
Shrinkage of biscuits due to strong flour especially high gluten and high sedimentation value or low gluten with high sedimentation value in both the cases biscuits shrinks.
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