Chocolate Granola Bar(Granola Bar Benefits with Standard Recipe and procedure)2020.
The names granula and granola were registered trademarks in the late 19th century united states for foods consisting of whole grains products crumbled and then baked until crisp. Granola is often in combination with yogurt, honey, fresh fruits(such as banana, strawberries or blueberries),milk or other forms of cereal. Granola bars have become popular as a snack, similar to the traditional flapjack (oat bar) or muesli bar similar in the common wealth countries. Granola bars consists of granola mixed with honey or other sweetened syrup, pressed and baked into a bar shape, resulting in the production of a more convenient snack. Granola bar is carried by people who are hiking, camping, or backpacking because it is nutritious, lightweight, high in calories, and easy to store. Some granola bars are coated in chocolate in vanilla yogurt topping.
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