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Showing posts from August, 2020

Chocolate Granola Bar (Granola Bar Benefits with Standard Recipe and Procedure) 2020.

Chocolate Granola Bar(Granola Bar Benefits with Standard Recipe and procedure)2020. T he names granula and granola were registered trademarks in the late 19th century united states for foods consisting of whole grains products crumbled and then baked until crisp. Granola is often in combination with yogurt, honey, fresh fruits(such as banana, strawberries or blueberries),milk or other forms of cereal. Granola bars have become popular as a snack, similar to the traditional flapjack (oat bar) or muesli bar similar in the common wealth  countries. Granola bars consists of granola mixed with honey or other sweetened syrup, pressed and baked into a bar shape, resulting in the production of a more convenient snack. Granola bar is carried by people who are hiking, camping, or backpacking because it is nutritious, lightweight, high in calories, and easy to store. Some granola bars are coated in chocolate in vanilla yogurt topping.    Granola bar benefits:- Improve blood pressure.

What is Adulteration(Types of Adulterants, Why Food Adulteration is Done, Method of Food Adulteration & Detection of Adulterants with Rapid Test)2020.

What is Adulteration(Types of Adulterants, Why Food Adulteration is Done, Method of Food Adulteration & Detection of Adulterants with Rapid Test)2020. Food adulteration means anything adding or subtracting with food marketing it injurious to health. This adulteration may be done intentionally or unintentionally. Intentional adulteration is a crime act and punishable offense or the process of lowering the nutritive value of food either by removing a vital components or by adding substances of interior quality.                                                   OR Food Adulteration can be defined as the practice of adulteration food or contamination of food material by adding few substances which are collectively called the adulterants.

Oats and Almond Cookies(Oats & Almond Benefits, Standard Recipe and Procedure)2020.

Oats and Almond Cookies(Oats & Almond Benefits, Standard Recipe and Procedure)2020. Cookies:- The word "cookies" in derived from a dutch word "koeje" which mean little cake. Cookies are baked or cooked food that is typically  small, flat and sweet. Fruits and oats cookies are prepared by using oats, tutty frutti and nuts. The scientific name of nuts is Avena sativa.Oats are good source of dietary fibers, several B vitamins and numerous dietary minerals. Benefits of Oats:- Help to lower bad cholesterol. Rich source of energy. Full of vitamin and minerals. Keep blood sugar balance. Oats for healthy heart. Oats gluten free. Benefits of Almond :- Prevent heart diseases. Prevent diabetes. Improve digestion. Strength bones. Reduce bad cholesterol. Help in weight loss. Prevent hair fall. Recipe:- Standard recipe for 1 kg. Refined wheat flour                  250 gm Oats                             

Tamarind and Dates Chutney (Tamarind & Dates Benefits ,Recipe and Method)2020.

Tamarind and Dates Chutney(Tamarind & Dates Health Benefits. Standard Recipe & Method)2020. Chutney is renowned food products prepared in home as well as at commercial level in India. Ripe tamarind(Tamarindus indica) is highly prized as an acidulants on account of its high tartaric acid content. It has a long history of medicinal uses. Benefits of tamarind:- Help to reduce weight. Improve digestion. Prevent formulation of peptic ulcer. Clears up skin. Helps to manage diabetes. Protects the liver. Helps in healing wound. Mushy fruit is a storehouse of nutrients with vitamins; Antioxidants, carotene and minerals such as magnesium and potassium. Dates are good source of fibers & good substitute to table sugar -an excellent source of vitamin and minerals. Benefits of dates: - Promotes brain health. Disease fighting antioxidants. Control blood sugar. Boost heart health. Dates are high in fiber. Anti-aging, skin an

How to select a fresh fish or whole fish 2020.

How to select a fish or whole fish 2020 Fish:- A fish is a creature that lives in water and has a tails and fins covered with scales, fish are gill bearing aquatic craniate animal. How To Identify Fresh Fish/How To Buy Fresh Fish: Factor To Consider When Choosing Fish: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3  Step 4 Step 5

Diabetic pickle(Bitter gourd pickle benefits with standard recipe & procedure)2020.

Diabetic pickle(Bitter Gourd Pickle Benefits with standard recipe & procedure)2020. Pickle:- Pickling is the process of preserving or extending the lifespan of food by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar. Foods that are pickled include vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy etc. Pickling can preserve perishable foods for months. In chemical pickling, the fruits or vegetables to be pickled are placed in a sterilized jar along with brine, vinegar, or both as well as spices ,and are then allowed to mature until the desired taste is obtained. In commercial pickling, a preservative such as sodium benzoate or ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid(EDTA) may also be added to enhance shelf life. Bitter gourd is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family of cucurbitaceae. It is consumed in various forms and  one such form is pickle which is now a day known as a pickle for diabetic patients. Benefits of Bitter Gourd:- Lower blood glucose levels. Kil

Flax Seed Cookies( Health Benefits of Flax Seeds, Standard Recipe and Procedure)2020.

Flax Seed Cookies( Health Benefits of Flax Seeds, Standard Recipe and Procedure)2020. Cookies:- The world "cookie" originates from the Dutch word 'koekje meaning little cake'. The seed of the flax are tiny, smooth ,flat and pointed at one end having brown color and nutty taste . Flax seed can be added to baked products as a whole seed. imparting a healthy appearance and increase texture quality.

What is Food Additives(Types of food additives & Importance of food additives )2020.

What is Food Additives(Type of Food Additives & Importance of Food Additives)2020. Food Additives:- Food additives is a consumable substance that it added to any food to enhance its taste, appearance, texture and prevent it from becoming repugnant or in most cases rotten.                                                               OR Food additives are substances added to product to perform specific technological function. These functions include prese to food for interest and variety . Increasing shelf life of or inhibiting the growth of pathogens, or adding coloring and flavoring During processing ,small amounts of certain chemicals are often added. Basically, a food additive is something that doesn't normally occur in the food we eat, it has to be added. Food additives may be natural or artificial. Any substance that become part of food product either directly or indirectly during some phases of processing.

Multigrain Muffins (Oats & Soya muffins with there benefits and standard recipe and procedure)2020.

Multigrain muffins(Oats & Soya muffins with there benefits and Standard recipe and procedure)2020. Muffins:- "Muffins is an individual sized quick bread". The derivation of the word "muffin" comes from the French word,"Moufflet",which is often times applied to bread which means 'soft'. Oat(Avena sativa),sometimes called the common oats, is a species of cereal grain grown for its seeds. Oats are generally considered healthy due to their rich content of several essential nutrients like high in dietary fibers, proteins, B vitamins, carbohydrate and minerals. Soybean (Glycine max) is a species of legume native to East Asia . Soybean can be produce at least twice as much as protein as any other major vegetable or grain crop.

13 Steps of Hand Washing (Why It is Important, Right Way of Hand Washing, When Should You Wash Your Hands)2020.

13 Steps of Hand Washing (Why It is Important, Right Way of Hand Washing, When Should You Wash Your Hands)2020. Hand washing:- Hand Washing Definition: Hand washing is  a act of cleaning hand(hand hygiene) with water and soap to remove the viruses, bacteria microorganisms, dirt or other harmful  and unwanted substances.   Why it is important/Importance of Hand Washing :- Hand washing prevent  infections because people  frequently touch their eyes, nose, mouth, hair, skin etc. without realizing .Germs can get into the body through the eye, nose etc. and make them sick. Hand washing is the most important measure to avoid the transmission of harmful germs and prevent health. Hand washing is a simple way to avoid getting sick. Right way of hand washing:- Following are the 13 steps of hand washing. Hand Washing Time: You should wash your hands for the amount of time, it takes to sing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY' twice around 20 seconds. Wet your hands with clean wat

What is Vegan Foods?( Why Vegan Foods, Advantages and Disadvantages of Vegan Diet)2020

What is Vegan Foods?( Why Vegan Foods, Advantages and Disadvantages of Vegan Diet)2020 Vegan Food/Vegan diet/Vegan Meaning:- Vegan diet is defines as it is type of vegetarian diet based on wide variety of whole plant foods but vegan diet exclude animal and their by products known as a vegan diet''. ex:- Fruits. vegetables, whole grain, legumes, nuts, oil seed. Why vegan? ''Preventing the exploitation of animal is not the only reason for becoming vegan, but for many reason it remains the key factor in their decision to go vegan and stay vegan. Having emotional attachment with animals may form the part of that reason, while many believe that all sentient creatures have a right to life and freedom."

Food Allergy: Causes, Symptoms and Protection 2020.

Food Allergy (Causes, Symptoms and Protection)2020. Food Allergy  "Food allergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by the body's immune system . "Allergic reaction to food can cause serious illness and ,in some cases ,death. If you have food allergy ,it is important for you to work with your healthcare provider to find out what food cause you allergic reaction.   Food allergen  A normally harmless substance that triggers an allergic reaction. Most of the allergens are proteins(an exemption is a sugar molecule which cause mammalian meat allergy) and there are generally several kind of allergens in each food, it is not yet clear what makes some foods proteins allergenic, and not others. The development of an allergy occurs in two stages: 1)Sensitization When a person first eats the allergen and produce antibodies(IgE or immunoglobulin E), which arms the immune system. IgE ,is a type of protein that works against  specific food. 2)Reaction When

Jam VS jelly difference with standard recipe 2020.

Jam VS Jelly Difference with Recipe 2020. Jam : Jam is solid gel made from the pulp of a single fruit or combination of fruits. Jam made from fruit pulp, sugar and pectin. The fruit content  should be at least  40% and total sugar content of jam should be 68% .In mixed fruit jam the first named fruit should be at least 50% of the total fruits added. Jam are products prepared by boiling fruits which almost an equal quantity of sugar to thick consistency. During the manufacturing process ,part of the water in the product is evaporated ,while binding with sugar makes the rest unavailable for microbial activity. Procedure :          - Fruit pulp                                                 1 kg      - Sugar                                                         1 kg      - Citric acid                                                0.1 - 0.2%      - Pectin ,grade 150                                     0.2-0.7% Take fully ripe and well matured fruits . D

What is Biscuits & Biscuit Defects (at industrial level)2020

What is biscuits & Biscuit Defects/ Biscuit Problem  (at industrial level)2020. Biscuits : Biscuits is a baked, edible and commonly flour based product. it is small , thin , flat baked to a low moisture content less than 5% .   Biscuits Defects/ Problems are as follows: Blisters Reverse shell Cream Oozing Spreading Hard Bite Breakage Shrinkage

Food Poisoning or Food Born Illness (Food poisoning symptoms, Causes of food poisoning, Tips how to minimize food poisoning risk, Precaution)2020.

Food Poisoning or Food Born Illness (Food poisoning symptoms, Causes of food poisoning, Tips how to minimize food poisoning risk, Precaution)2020. Definition : Illness caused by the infection with microorganisms and ingestion of toxins produced, and chemical poisoning.                                                                                   OR An acute gastrointestinal disorder caused by bacteria or their toxic products or by c hemical  residue in food. Foods contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms usually do not look bad ,or smell bad . It is impossible to determine whether a food is contaminated with pathogens microorganisms without microbiological testing. Food poisoning may life-threatening. Food Poisoning How Long: If you have food poisoning, symptoms may vary from as little as 1 hours long as 28 days .  Food Poisoning Symptoms:               Abdominal cramps.     Diarrhea. Vomiting. Loss of appetite Mild Fever. Weakness. Nau